More translations for GuerrillaMail

We are looking for volunteers willing to help us translate the mainservice to other languages. We do have German, Spanish, Polish and German translations but we would like to include more languages as well!

Are you a native speaker in an other language? Please let us know in the comments below, just enter your real email address so we are able to contact you. Your address won’t be showed below to others!

77 responses to “More translations for GuerrillaMail

  1. If you still need the Italian translation, let me know, I’d be willing to help ;) i’m a native Italian-English

  2. I’m a native greek speaker and also lived in the UK for some years so if u need me contact me

  3. Hi there. I’m a native Portuguese and i would like to help translating to Portuguese-PT.

  4. Hi,Salaam (Peace). U know where I am. I think I can help, yet right now I am tied up with a translation work — a spy novel into English based on ACTUAL incident in one famous country — of some 400 pages. Speak n writes English O.K. man. Have lived for ten years in three different English-speaking countries, and started to speak English when I was about 5,5 yrs old in Aussie. The book/novel will be available sometime in July or August 2008. Btw, key joe jussac, jr. and/or tjoaginsing, and u’ll bump into my a couples of my “world-views” on touchy subjects vs. GWB et al. Regards JOE

  5. Wow, that last person went off on a tangent there, didn’t he? I wouldn’t hire him in case he started including promos for his book in the translations

  6. Im mexican and lived in Brazil for 4 years so I can handle portuguese very well, I can also do clasic greek if you want to :P .

  7. I would like to use GuerrillaMail in my native CZECH language :) like many users from Czech Republic. So contact me, I’m ready to help out.

  8. drop me a line and you will get an german translation ;-)
    like your service, keeps my inbox clean.

    have fun


  9. I can help you with Turkish translation, since I am a native and currently studying in US…

  10. I’m a native Brazillian and I can help with the PT_BR translation (Português Brasileiro)

  11. Guerrillamail is a brilliant service – at least the idea is.

    HOWEVER, for some reason, many incoming messages arrive only SHORTENED, so that important parts / links are irretrievably LOST!

    Maybe there’s a way for you to work around that problem?

  12. I’m from germany and would really like to help with the german version of guerillamail. Feel free to drop me a mail, i really like gm and use it quite a lot.

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