Guerrilla Mail - Direcciones de email temporales

¿No quieres mostrarles tu verdadera cuenta de email? Utiliza un email temporal. Sin necesidad de registrarse, cada sesión dura 60 minutos. Hasta el momento, ha pocesado 16,428,542,650 emails, de los cuales 74,457,516 eran válidos y han sido entregados, eliminando un 16,354,085,134 de mails spam (143448 emails serán almacenados como pendientes de revisión / hora)
sideyuht @   No recordar Copiar en el portapapeles

Sorry, the Bitcoin sending feature has been retired

Bitcoin sending feature has been turned off and retired. The reason was because very few found a use for this. There are currently better ways to send bitcoin available than were before. Thanks to everyone who has tried this and we appreciate your feeback.

Guerrilla Mail still accepts bitcoin for RYO Guerrilla Mail and we also accept your BTC donations


GuerrillaMail's email is powered by
Go-Guerrilla, our open-source project.