Guerrilla Mail - Endereço de E-Mail Temporário Descartável

Não quer dar o seu e-mail? Use um temporário. Sem registro, dura 60 minutos. Até agora, processou 16,428,284,308 emails, dos quais 74,456,509 eram válidos e foram entregues, destruindo 16,353,827,799 e-mails de spam (131548 e-mails em quarentena/hora)
tysaxyqx @   Não lembrar Copiar para a área de trabalho

Sorry, the Bitcoin sending feature has been retired

Bitcoin sending feature has been turned off and retired. The reason was because very few found a use for this. There are currently better ways to send bitcoin available than were before. Thanks to everyone who has tried this and we appreciate your feeback.

Guerrilla Mail still accepts bitcoin for RYO Guerrilla Mail and we also accept your BTC donations


GuerrillaMail's email is powered by
Go-Guerrilla, our open-source project.