Guerrilla Mail - Tek Kullanımlık Geçici E-posta Adresi

Onlara e-posta adresinizi vermek istemiyor musunuz? Geçici bir e-posta kullanın. Kayıt olmak yok, 60 dk geçerli. Şimdiye kadar, 16,865,348,078 e-posta işledi, 75,787,616 geçerli e-posta gönderildi, 16,789,560,462 spam e-posta imha edildi (259448 e-posta karantinaya gidiyor / saat)
xdnmmuxh @   Unut beni Panoya kopyla

eg. - without the www part

Always same for every domain. The only one you'll need to remember; keep it safe.

Use this password to register

Password Generator

Remember only one password, use a different password for each site.

How to use: Type in the domain name of the site asking for login and enter a very strong Master Passphrase.

What makes this tool different? Your Master Passphrase is never stored or transmitted! No cloud, no cookie, no disk; never!

The generated password will always contain at least one number, one upper case character and one symbol.

Forgot the generated password? Enter the Domain/Master Passphrase combination to recover it, but if you forget your Master Key then we can't help you...


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Go-Guerrilla, our open-source project.