More translations for GuerrillaMail

We are looking for volunteers willing to help us translate the mainservice to other languages. We do have German, Spanish, Polish and German translations but we would like to include more languages as well! Are you a native speaker in an other language? Please let us know in the comments below, just enter your real…


Transfer to new server almost finalized

Just some DNS servers seems to point to our old server, hopefully all visitors will be directed to this server in the upcomming days. Most of the emails are routing to the new server, so problems with receiving email should have been fixed by now! If you do have suggestions, questions or ideas related to…


New server :-)

We have finally been able to buy a new server! New feautures, including RSS will be added in the next couple of weeks. Please submit a comment if you like our new design, or if you experience any problems.. We would love to hear from our users!